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Adult Learning Wales

Coleg Harlech WEA is a registered charity specialising in adult education and as being the college of 2nd chance. It provides education and training in the community and in the work place we specialise in providing courses tailored to the needs of adults. Many of our students were failed by traditional education in the past and have found a new route to learning through Coleg Harlech WEA. Coleg Harlech offer long residential, short residential, evening/day classes. Accommodation is also sometimes available in Harlech for other education providers and for conferences and events. If you would like to speak to someone about any of our courses, please use the numbers below. or use the enquiry form on http://www.harlech.ac.uk, Residential Courses 01766 781900 Community Courses 01248 353254 or email [email protected].

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By using easysearch instead of Google or any other search engine, you can make a real difference. easysearch is completely FREE and by making just 10 searches a day, you could raise around £20 a year for to your chosen cause.

As well as raising funds, easysearch also gives you the best search results available on web. Today, the Internet is so big that different search engines will often deliver different results for the same search. So, by combining the strengths of several search engines together - Yahoo!, MIVA, and many more - you get the very best results in terms of accuracy and relevance, which means you'll find what you're looking for quickly and easily every time - all in one 'easy' search!

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